Monday, November 22, 2010

Hard to Get

I want to start by asking your forgiveness tonight. I am angry, I probably shouldn’t write tonight but I need to let this out. I am angry but probably not at the thing you would think – I’ll get to that in a minute. I am also perplexed. I don’t understand God. Now before you try to console me with all your wisdom about God don’t forget Job’s three friends were firmly convinced in their view of God. They were proved to be wrong. So please hold your tongue for a minute and let me vent. I don’t understand God and I am not alone. Job did not understand God. Habakkuk cried out from his watchtower because he just did not understand what God was doing. God is hard to get and he plays hard to get. Look at all the religions of the world out there, a grasping to understand God and make God what they want him to be. It is so complicated that most of them had to split him into multiple personalities (gods). The truth is we would all be completely lost in our understanding of God if he had not provided some level of detail about Himself to us. He did it in two forms. The word of God (the Bible) and God in human flesh – Christ Jesus, for the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Even with that level of knowledge that we have been privileged with by God, God is still sometimes just plain hard to get. You may doubt what I am saying but you do not have to live in my house and listen to my wife wailing in the bathroom trying to keep the rest of us from hearing her mourning. There is a part of grief that I can try and try to explain away with the deepest of theological discourse but it does not take away the pain and the knowledge that God was more than strong enough to keep Isabella from passing on so early. We were robbed of so much. Yes, I know we were given so much. We had much joy in preparing a place for Isabella as I know God has had as much joy in doing the same. But that doesn’t take away the emptiness in my heart that is my daughter and her quick departure from me. God is not easy to understand. I am not convinced he means to be. I am not convinced an eternity with Him will bring an end to my amazement at how complex he is.
I have said my peace. I know God is sufficient and I know God does not have to give me anything or any answer. I also know that God loves me and I truly believe God grieves with me because this is not how the world was meant to be. We live in one messed up crazy world and truth be told, it is messed up because we made it that way. God did not force us to sin against him; in fact, Satan did not force us to rebel against God. We chose to rebel and we do it everyday as a race. Earlier I said I was angry. I’m not angry at God, I don’t get Him, but I’m not angry, at least not this second! I’m not angry at my wife, I’m not angry at our delivery. I am angry at sin. I am angry that my sin (in general) has caused such a divide that God is so hard for me to get. I long for those days when I can walk in the garden with God like Adam and Eve did and to experience that level of relationship that they experienced before they rebelled. I long for an intimacy that will help me find God less hard to get.
I end tonight with a song Rich Mullins wrote. It fits my mood perfectly. Rich was a man of God that I could only dream of being. He had a true gift for writing music. He had realness and openness in his lyrics that I think is only second to King David’s honesty. I want to be real like David and Rich with God. God knows my thoughts. I want to be open like this yet to remain like Job. To question, to cry out and to wait for the answers that may never come, but all the while to remain faithful to God and not curse Him. He is good and His love endures forever.
Rich Mullins – Hard to Get
You who live in heaven
Hear the prayers of those of us who live on earth
Who are afraid of being left by those we love
And who get hardened by the hurt
Do you remember when You lived down here where we all scrape
To find the faith to ask for daily bread
Did You forget about us after You had flown away
Well I memorized every word You said
Still I'm so scared, I'm holding my breath
While You're up there just playing hard to get
You who live in radiance
Hear the prayers of those of us who live in skin
We have a love that's not as patient as Yours was
Still we do love now and then
Did You ever know loneliness
Did You ever know need
Do You remember just how long a night can get?
When You were barely holding on
And Your friends fall asleep
And don't see the blood that's running in Your sweat
Will those who mourn be left uncomforted
While You're up there just playing hard to get?
And I know you bore our sorrows
And I know you feel our pain
And I know it would not hurt any less
Even if it could be explained
And I know that I am only lashing out
At the One who loves me most
And after I figured this, somehow
All I really need to know
Is if You who live in eternity
Hear the prayers of those of us who live in time
We can't see what's ahead
And we can not get free of what we've left behind
I'm reeling from these voices that keep screaming in my ears
All the words of shame and doubt, blame and regret
I can't see how You're leading me unless You've led me here
Where I'm lost enough to let myself be led
And so You've been here all along I guess
It's just Your ways and You are just plain hard to get


Jonathon said...

I lost my daughter 18 months ago. I wrote about it for a little while, and then I stopped doing that for various reasons. you can find them here - I'm Jonathon Mills, and i still feel the pain of Lydia's loss every day. My prayers are with you, and i'd love to talk with you if you want. Please know that my wife Whitnee and I are praying for you and your wife. There's so much I still don't get as well. You journey now on a very narrow path that most people never go through, but you don't walk alone. I am so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I know this may mean nothing in pain and anger, but through my loss of a son. Still each day. I am reminded we see as if through a darkened glass. I am daily reminded of Paul and his thorn. I just have to let go. Sometimes the pain is so real even now holding my living son, I can't help but let the pain overtake me. I am praying. God is faithful even in the pain.

Kings Daughter said...

wow these words are so good! so sincere. thank you for sharing! i am encouraged by your faith even when you feel weak. Praise God you are angry at sin most! i can see Him increasing your faith already! He will give you the Grace to walk in this. Praying for you!

Jason Shaw said...

I love you brother and I echo these comments. Thank you for your honesty and faith. You live it out like few people I know. I know Isabella must be proud to call you Daddy.

Unknown said...

Son no words any of us say will take away your pain or loss however I see the hand of your Heavenly Father guiding you in a way no one else can including your earthly father. I can not tell you how many times I have wanted to say these same words to God, Quite frankly I don't get him either. Instead of retiring like I wanted to I felt Him calling me to this new ministry and yet all the doors I have prayed about needing opened do not seem to be opening. So I find myself saying am I that out of touch with Him that I cannot hear His voice but then I know everything He has revealed to me about Him that He cares and I am learning He has been my daddy when I did not have one that guided me. Your words inspire me and you have an ability that no one else has. You speak out of your hurt and confusion and yet you speak for me. Love you son, your proud dad

Barbara said...

This is a test to see if your moms comment gets posted if so whe will write something tomorrow

Barbara said...

This is so very hard to respond to son. We mothers spend so many years raising our children and doing everything we can to protect you and keep you from hurt or harm, yet there is no possible way we can shield you from what this twisted and cruel world can shatter your life with sometimes. Your words bless me and hurt me at the same time, as you speak from a broken heart and it reminds me of that morning I sat beside you in the emergency room and the Doctor came in and told us that he had done everything possible but he could not save Isabella, and my heart shattered at the look on your face and I cried out in pain and disbelief at the loss we were going through together in two very different ways, you, losing a daughter you would never be able to raise up and get to know, and me,losing a new granddaughter, a part of you that I would never get a chance to hold and love and compare to how mahy ways she might have turned out to be like youwhen you were growing up. All our plans the past months gone. There are moments during those next days that I will never forget; when I watched a Doctor whom the nurses said they had never seen him cry before shed tears of sadness and disbelief together, the look on your face the first moment Isabella's lifeless body in your arms, and you cradled her next to your heart and tears ran down your face and you kept watching her to see if suddenly you would see her little chest rise and fall and you would get a miracle of life after and then after awhile the disappointment as you accepted there was not going to be that miracle. I will always the hurt and cofusion on Ron,s face as he too wept and struggled with a loss like we have never known in our lives. Then there was the moment that you put Isabella into Gladys,s arms and I watched her struggling with that same disbelief and grasping that tiny body to her naked breast to see if the bonding of the baby's body to hers would somehow revive that infant and she would get that miracle she so desperately wanted. I never knew there could be such grief and such pain as there is in knowing that God has reached down and with one swipe has taken away not only your dreams for raising a blessing that only He is able to give us, but He has ripped your very heart out, and it is unbelievable agony. Your words have touched a place deep down inside of this mothers heart,and what you say is all so true, and yet you make me so proud that even in all of your pain and bewilderment, you still know that God has only done what He has done with the very best of intentions for all of our lives, and even though we don't always get it or Him, you still hang onto Him for your healing and strength. May He sustain all of us and strengthen our faith. You are a blessing amd I love your heart son. Someday you will get to dance with Isabella.